Australia Deaf Games 2024

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Kia ora!

Now it is the time to do your final Australian Deaf Games Registration

Check out to know more about Australia Deaf Games

This video gives you NZSL instructions how to do it.

Please click on the links for your MAIN sport first.

Please complete the registration / upload all information / add all uniform sizes.

If you play more than 1 sport, you can register for each after you have done your main sport registration as it would auto-fill the others, so you only need to press submit for each additional sports.

DEADLINE: 31st July 2023


You can register for Australian Deaf Games for your sport using one or more of the following links:

NZ Deaf Basketball
NZ Deaf Cricket
NZ Deaf Football
NZ Deaf Lawn Bowls
NZ Deaf Rugby 7s
NZ Deaf Netball
NZ Deaf Touch
NZ Individual Deaf Athletes/Sports


Disclaimer: You need to have paid deposit or on payment plan before you can register. If you are unsure about this or have any questions, contact Chris. Deaf Sports New Zealand have right to delete registrations that does not meet this requirement.

Deaf Sports New Zealand

